Louise Liebenberg
I was born and raised in South Africa, my love and interest in all animals and nature, was nurtured there. I had my first dog to train, a German Shepherd Dog when I was sixteen, soon a border collie; Ace was added to my menagerie of birds, reptiles, horses and other animals. I was fanatical about training my dogs in various dog sports starting with obedience, tracking, companion dog, some showing, and agility and with the Border collie, sheepdog trials.
After my university study (BSc), majoring in psychology, I traveled to Europe with my border collie Ace. I was active in training and raising border collies and went trialing all over Europe. My kennel name TRELOSS is registered with the International Sheepdog Society. My best trialing achievements were twice 4 th on the Continental Sheepdog Championships, and was Dutch Practical Sheepdog champion.

I have worked on various farms in various countries as a shepherd. I have lambed Scottish Blackfaces in the mountains around Oban, in Scotland, have travelled extensively in Europe and the UK. I have worked on many sheep farms lambing ewes from Texels to high prolific breeds such as the Flevolander.
We have been front runners with RFID technology in Europe and have always been innovative in our flock management.
In 1992 we started a grazing company and where hired with our flock of sheep, at times comprising of 1200 ewes, to graze nature areas, dykes, military grounds, parks, golf courses, heather regions and grass lands. We built up an extensive organic grazing company and advised in many other projects of this kind. We were also raising American quarter horses and drafts. Despite the fact that our company was doing very well, we did not want to live in the Netherlands much longer. We wanted a new challenge and wanted to live in a less populated country with lots of nature, our choice was Alberta, Canada. When our visa was finalized we moved to Alberta at the end of August 2008.
We have bought our ranch that borders crown land and National Forest. On this ranch I will concentrate on establishing a good commercial and purebred sheep and cattle
ranch , raising and training our border collies and Sarplaninac livestock guardian dogs.
The ranch became the first ranch in Canada to be certified Wildlife Friendly. I manage the sheep and cattle in such a manner that we can co-exist with the native wildlife. You can find more information about predator management and wildlife friendly practices on this website. I do a number of presentations, talks and seminars each year on these topics, as well as working with livestock guardian dogs. I have spoken at a number of international events, to local sheep groups and large conferences on predator management.
I love sharing stories and photography about our dogs, our ranch, our stock and our lives.
These can be found under the BLOG button on this website

Jess Verstappen
During her High School years, Jess was very involved in 4-H, where she did projects such as horse, steer, sheep, and market lamb. She has been an avid rider helping out with cattle drives, barrel racing and grand entry rides. In 2013 she was the High Prairie Pro Rodeo Queen. In 2014, she won the prestigious 4-H Premiers Award. Her passion is showing her livestock. She is attending Lakeland College and doing her diploma in Environmental Sciences, following this she will complete her diploma in Agri- Business.
She gives numerous clinic’s on sheep showing and grooming, judging clinics, public speaking and cattle showmanship.
She has been on various judging teams at 4-H and college level.
She has started her own registered herd of Black Angus Show cattle, and has a small commercial angus herd and commercial dorset ewes.
She works in the crop industry.
Roy Verstappen
Roy plays an integral role in the ranch, helping out with feeding, health care, day to day chores, socialising the dogs, haying and all the jobs that are found on a ranch. He enjoys showing his livestock.