Grazing Projects
Vegetation Control
The Grazerie is specialized in using grazing animals to manage vegeatation growth. Since 1992, our primary business with the sheep was vegetation control in the Netherlands.
We worked for the State Forestry Department, municipalities, military and private land owners. We can graze sheep to specific and prescribed, vegetation criteria.
Utilizing sheep for vegetation control, is very efficient. In some areas grazing the grass to reduce the risk of fire damage, allow for timber regrowth and weed control is the most environmentally friendly solution.
We have grazed the following areas using shepherded flocks; some of these areas had very specific requirements such as: compatibility to work in military areas with helicopters and tanks, highly urban areas ( city parks) with lots of people and traffic, dykes; requiring the grass to be as short as 5 cm in Fall and no damage to the dyke by erosion, to ensure strength and stability of the dykes, on the roughs of golf courses, selective grazing to encourage a wide range of fauna and flora on heather lands, forestry and private land.
Due to our experience with various types of livestock and a intricate knowledge of their behavior we are able to estimate the effect of these animals in a grazed situation. We have experience with sheep grazing using both shepherded and fenced-in grazing systems.
We work with shepherded flocks, or with temporary electric fencing.
We are able to advise various organizations such as municipalities, nature organizations, forestry department as to the use and effectiveness of utilizing grazing animals in their areas, including information such as number, type, breed, management and behavior of all types of livestock.
Sometimes a combination of various grazers, large and small might be required to get the desired effect in the natural process. Animal grazing combined with other forms of traditional management, burning, cutting etc can and will lead to a more integrated management with better results in nature conservation.
Here are some images of the work we have done in the Netherlands.
River Dikes

Golf Courses (the roughs)

Heather regions
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